Saturday, March 28, 2009


Considering I at first was calling it "ramulade," I'm not sure what exactly constitutes a real remoulade. However, I made something up, and Drew said I should post about it even though we didn't take pictures of the shrimp po'boys we made tonight. This in turn, then, serves a dual purpose of me keeping track of what I did for future reference, and I guess other people can look at it too if they want.

So here's my advice: Take whatever amount of spicy brown mustard and wasabi mayo, mix it with chopped green onions, celery, and minced garlic, sprinkle in some black pepper, kosher salt, paprika, and a couple dashes of worcester, and add a dollop of creamy horseradish, and something good comes out.

Since no post is complete without a picture (or so I hear), here is a completely non-related oldie-but-goodie:

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